Sunday, November 15, 2020


I’ve always wondered, reading reports of community wars under other heavens, how people who lived in good intelligence, managed to slaughter themselves like animals How the Bété and Dioula in Ivory Coast, the Peulhs and Malinkés these days in Guinea or the Tutsi and Hutu at my house in Rwanda could have gone this far. How people would kill following a word of order from people they had never seen, with whom they had no relationship, and whose only thing they had in common was the tribe…
Looking at the current Guinean political scene, I think I’m starting to understand before it takes the path taken yesterday by my people. So I’m writing to you today, young Guinean, to tell you what you may already know.
Hate is a business, and also a formidable elevator for professional politicians to access the privileges they covet. This business is based on a simple assumption: ′′ You’re not what you should be or where you should be because someone else has stood between you and your destiny So we need to eliminate it. ′′ This is how hate entrepreneurs manage to get people into their business
So you reading me this morning, and already limited your machete, ready to fight it, you looking forward to D-Day to end those responsible for your situation, and all of you find themselves from the other ethnicity , I’ll tell you now what’s waiting for you at the doorstep:
You’ll meet on the other side, other young people, brave like yourself and even more vicious, they too fed the hate mamelle like you and not backing away from anything. You will kill a large number but you will also lose a large number of brothers, sisters, relatives, friends, acquaintances, relationships… Your future will be wisely waiting for you around a corner in a grave or in the bush, when you’re ambushed, or, if you’re lucky, in a fortune hospital, where you’ll be taken care of by a Red Cross doctor. Your face will be disfigured, the marks of war clearly visible on your shredded body.
Everyday RFi will take care of counting the dead, waiting for it to reach the threshold that will trigger the outrage of the ′′ international community “. Some bad languages say it starts at 3000 dead.
One morning, from the bottom of your bed of misfortune, you will hear it in the official newspaper: Creation of the Reconciliation commission. And who will be appointed to head this commission? The same guy who told you that the other guy is responsible for your misfortune. You’ll see it, all smiles, promise to the 20 news, work for reconciliation and call on you to forgive. The commission will be created with a budget of 25 billion that they will split among themselves through scams called consultation. You’ll be there, deep in your fortune bed, black look, leg amputated, lost in your thoughts, with a long list of accounts to settle. But out there the give has changed. You can’t slaughter with impunity anymore. And even if you still wanted to, you don’t have the means or strength anymore.

That’s when you’ll remember that, magically, none of those who led you to where you are were killed, neither them nor their families. Maybe, to galvanize you, they had to sacrifice a great grandson from the president of the Republic’s grandmother’s aunt’s cousin…
Bro know that in this business you will be just a pawn. Ask the dioula and bété on the side of ivory, the Hutu and Tutsi from my house who are forced to tolerate each other today, to live together by the same who told them it was no longer possible. Think about those people who are forced to live today with the aftermath of a war that should never have lived, and are forced to keep their frustration muted, the grudge full of the heart, and the future in dotted…
Is this what you want for yourself and your country? Is this the kind of future you want for yourself and your kids?
So know that in a civil war there are only losers. And that, whatever the strength of your clan, in the end, we will force you #reconciliation.
Well, you won’t say I didn’t warn you. While limiting your machete this morning, read my words well, they are those of a guy who saw what happened in his country.”


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